Based on Hyperledger fabic,
Take a look at the key projects in METACOIN.
Tutorial Clips
METACOIN supports safe and convenient METAWALLET for the user. Per account can have one or more common wallet addresses and transfer all kinds of METACOIN based coins to METAWALLET address. This point of METAWALLET convenience is that users can divide and manage the assets through the METAWALLET multiple addresses. Also, the coupons and tickets issued from ISSUETOKEN are safely custody in METAWALLET. The owner of the coin and ticket have authority for an item to incinerate and additional issuance.
Extension Tutorial
Right-click on the time in the bottom-right of the screen and select Adjust Date/Time. 12:00:18 Adjust date/time
Date and time1/6/2025, 12:00:18 AMSet time automaticallySet time zone automatically Off Off If "Set time automatically" is off, please turn it on.
Chrome Web Store Add Chrome MetaWallet You can download it from the Chrome web store, Microsoft Edge add-on and whale store. Metawallet In Your Browser0 MTC
Generate a new wallet or use the recovery key to load an existing wallet. Welcome! Start Are you new to MetaWallet? Import wallet Create wallet No, I have a recovery key Yes, this is first time!
Set a password and save the recovery key, and your wallet will be created immediately. 0 MTC Create a new wallet New password Confirm password Create wallet Recovery code OK Download
Connect Telegram linkage in user settings. Settings LanguageAuto-Lock Timer Management Address book View recovery key Connect Telegram About MetaWallet Connect Connect Telegram
MetaWalletBot infoMetaWalletMetaWallet Start When the telegram window appears, click Start to complete the linkage. Pinned message
MetaWalletBot infoMetaWalletMetaWallet 🎁 Accounts 🎫 Account 🔧 Server 🎁 Accounts 🌎 Language 👾 Group ⚡ Settings 📢 Help currently selected server : [Account_1] Mtab...efsw Close [Account_2] MTabcd...efgd [Account_3] MTabcd...higf [Account_4] MTabcd...123f MetaWallet Address If you want to select the other server, please choose the server below./accounts Can view and select a list of wallets for connected account. Pinned message
MetaWalletBot infoMetaWalletMetaWallet 🎫 Account Information 💳 Information 👜 Balance 💵 Transfer 🔖 Hashtag 📜 Transaction MetaWallet Address Server NameTag Can check the balance, confirmation history, and transfer of the selected wallet. Pinned message/account 🎫 Account 🔧 Server 🎁 Accounts 🌎 Language 👾 Group ⚡ Settings 📢 Help
MetaWalletBot infoMetaWalletMetaWalletAllClose 👜 Balance [TOKEN ID]Amount3 SymbolName (Symbol)/balance[TOKEN ID]Name (Symbol)[TOKEN ID]Name (Symbol)[TOKEN ID]Amount10 SymbolName (Symbol)Can check the balance of the selected wallet.Pinned message/balance
MetaWalletBot infoMetaWalletMetaWalletAllClose Token Information TOKEN ID : 0Name :Symbol :Decimal : 8Amount : 3SymbolLOCK Amount: 3SymbolLOCK List - View token detail - View my all token/balance 0[TOKEN ID]Name (Symbol)[TOKEN ID]Name (Symbol) Can also see your token information. Pinned message/balance 0
MetaWalletBot infoMetaWalletMetaWallet👾 Group👻 Add the Bot in a groupPlease set up as following to use MetaWallet Bot in a group.1. Click "Add Bot in a Group". 2. Select the desired group. 3. 그Select the Administrator from Group > Group Management. 4. Select "Add Administrator" 5. Select the MetaWallet Bot.Adding bots to a group makes it easy to transfer money to each other using commands within the group.Pinned message/group🎫 Account🔧 Server🎁 Accounts🌎 Language👾 Group⚡ Settings📢 Help
MetaWalletBot infoMetaWalletMetaWalletHashtagThe selected wallet has been tagged. Address : MTabcd...12345Tag :#addr_metacoinThe Hashtag is supported for easy transfer. Shortcut tags are supported for convenient use instead of addresses in transaction for Telegram users. It does not support except that Bot. /tag usertag• Example/tag metacoin /tag matacoinWhen transfer, you can simply send it to the hashtag you specified instead of the wallet address.Pinned message/tag
MetaWalletBot infoMetaWalletMetaWallet 🌎 Language currently language : English Close 日本語 한국어 If you want to choose the other language, Please select it. Can select English, Korean or Japanese. Pinned message/locale or /lng 🎫 Account 🔧 Server 🎁 Accounts 🌎 Language 👾 Group ⚡ Settings 📢 Help
MetaWalletBot infoMetaWalletMetaWallet⚡ SettingsCloseChoose the setting you want to change : Group transfer confirm: ⭕ Transfer confirm: ⭕ Select whether to activate or deactivate the confirmation process when transferring to a group or private message.Pinned message/settings 🎫 Account 🔧 Server 🎁 Accounts 🌎 Language 👾 Group ⚡ Settings 📢 Help
MetaWalletBot infoMetaWalletMetaWallet🔧 Server currently server : Mainnet CloseTestnetMainnet If you want to select the other server, please choose the server below. Can select "Mainnet" and "Testnet". Default is "Mainnet"Pinned message/server 🎫 Account 🔧 Server 🎁 Accounts 🌎 Language 👾 Group ⚡ Settings 📢 Help
MetaWalletBot infoMetaWalletMetaWalletNextClose Transaction list It shows a simple list of transaction in the selected wallet. [ TRANSFER ] TXID Amount: 3Symbol [ TRANSFER ] TXID Amount: 3Symbol [ TRANSFER ] TXID Amount: 3Symbol [ TRANSFER ] TXID Amount: 3Symbol [ TRANSFER ] TXID Amount: 3Symbol/tx or /transactionIt shows a simple list of transaction in the selected wallet. For more information on transfer, see Metascan.Pinned message/tx
MetaWalletBot infoMetaWalletMetaWallet Transfer It's only supported the transfer by command. The transfer command is as follows.It support the multiple transfer, but it can not be specified the token ID and amount for each address. The transfer command is as follows.If multiple transfer is sent with example below, the amount, tag, and memo of all recipients are sent the same. you can proceed after confirmation in the confirmation window.Destination tag must be typed in Memo must be typed in [] /ts (wallet address or tag) (Transfer amount) (Token ID) [Memo] /ts (wallet address or tag ...) (Transfer amount) (Token ID) [Memo] /ts Mtab...12 1.02 0 {tag} [memo]Is multiple transfer possible?Description of the commands used in the transfer and multiple transfers.Pinned message
As Singapore's Payment Service Act 2019 (PSA), MTC has officially updated its LO (Legal Opinion).
Main contents: In Singapore, MTC is a Digital Payment Token that can be used as a payment method for products.